var world = new CAWorld({ width: 96, height: 64 });
world.registerCellType('living', { getColor: function () { return this.alive ? '68, 36, 52, 1' : '255, 255, 255, 1'; }, process: function (neighbors) { var surrounding = this.countSurroundingCellsWithValue(neighbors, 'wasAlive'); this.alive = surrounding === 3 || surrounding === 2 && this.alive; }, reset: function () { this.wasAlive = this.alive; } }, function () { //init this.alive = Math.random() > 0.5; });In the above example, a cell that has 2 living cells surrounding it will survive. If 3 living cells surround surround the cell, it can come back from the dead.
This function is called every step of the simulation and is passed an array of neighbors to this cell.
This function is called at the beginning of each step of the simulation to prepare the cell for the upcoming step.
This is our own function for determining what color the cell will be. It will be used in our display loop, which is not part of the engine.
world.initialize([ { name: 'living', distribution: 100 } ]);In this example, cells of the type "living" will be added to the world and assigned 100% of the cells. If we wanted the world to begin with more types of cells, we could initialize like this.
world.initialize([ { name: 'water', distribution: 40 }, { name: 'rock', distribution: 60 } ]);
This is used to make the simulation run one loop. Typically you would run step from setInterval or requestAnimationFrame.
Returns a count of members of the given cell array that contain the given propery. This is useful in many cellular automata simulations.
process: function (neighbors) { var surrounding = this.countSurroundingCellsWithValue(neighbors, 'wasOpen'); = (this.wasOpen && surrounding >= 4) || surrounding >= 6; }
Pass a number of steps and a callback function. The callback will be called after the given number of steps with the cell passed as an argugment. See the "trees" example.
process: function (neighbors) { this.delay(10, function(cell) { cell.doSomething(); }); }
Creates a grid of values which can be used as input for a new world. In this way, we can build our simulated world in several iterations. See the "cavesWithWater" example.
var grid = world.createGridFromValues([ { cellType: 'wall', hasProperty: 'open', value: 0 } ], 1);
Accepts a grid generated with "createGridFromValues" and a list of what values mean which cellTypes in this new simulated world.
world.initializeFromGrid([ { name: 'rock', gridValue: 1 }, { name: 'water', gridValue: 0 } ], grid);
for (var y=0; y<world.height; y++) { for (var x=0; x<world.width; x++) { var cell = world.grid[y][x]; // TODO: awesome rendering of the cell } }